New Build Construction Update: Emerald Pediatrics

Even though winter has arrived, construction doesn’t stop. Rain, wind and cold temperatures won’t stop us from pushing forward with new building construction.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been working hard on the beginning site work at the future Emerald Pediatrics site in Dublin.
Last week, we experienced unexpected winter rain and flooding that delayed construction. Water and flooding covered the job site as we were in the middle of underground work, including drainage, electrical and plumbing.
It took several pumps and several hours to remove the water and get the site work back on track with only minimal delay.
After drying the site out, we achieved an early project milestone, by pouring the concrete slab. A concrete pump truck was used to pour the concrete in the needed areas around the foundation.
Now that the concrete is cured, walls will begin going up and the building will start to take shape soon.