Sealing Concrete Floors – JAM House – Experience Construction

Grinding and Sealing Concrete Floors
The JAM House is a slab on grade house, with no basement. The design allows for a modern concrete floor throughout the entire main level. To achieve a finished look, we used machines to grind the concrete slab, and then applied a sealer to the concrete. The final result was a light colored smooth concrete that will be extremely durable throughout the first floor.
What is a “JAM House?”
The “JAM House” is a home designed entirely by our drafter and estimator, Jeremy Miller. He purchased a vacant lot from the Columbus Land Bank, and is now building a new home on the Franklinton lot. Check out this article for the full story behind the “JAM House,” and check out our YouTube channel for more construction projects or to catch up on the previous JAM House videos!
Next Step: Interior work – Paint, Cabinetry, Move In!