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Cabby Lawry

A/R, A/P, & Administrative Manager

What I Do: Office Management, AP, AR, Compliance Tracking, Cat Herding, Plant Mom.

My Spirit Animal: Owl – logical, systematic, conscientious, wisdom, patience, solitude, deep connection, intuitive, good luck, self-actualization, transformation, change, knowledge, strategy, stoicism, truth


Interests & Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Writing, Basketball, Crafts, Games, Film/Movies, LGBTQIA+ Community, Gardening, People, Road Trips, Camping, Music, Art, Theatre.

Neighborhood: Hungarian Village

Organizations/Non-Profits: Stand In Pride, Kaleidoscope Youth Center, American Civil Liberties Union, The Trevor Project, Trans Youth Equality Foundation, Columbus Association for the Performing Arts.

Favorite Tool: Language

Lifetime Goal: Drive around the country full-time in an RV. Write a book.