Construction Update: Columbus Idea Foundry, Phase 2

Demo is Underway
The Columbus Idea Foundry, Phase 2 renovation demolition has started. The second phase of construction focuses primarily on the second floor and upgrades to efficiency around the building. Final layout and plan are yet to be decided, but the overall vision and direction is established, and moving forward.
The goal of the expansion is to provide a space for makers and startups to build their widgets and their business from one collaborative space.
The last few weeks have been spent cleaning out old equipment, office furniture, and miscellaneous items stored in the space. Walls have come down, and the second floor is looking more like a blank canvas for a innovative space.
Over the next few weeks, we will be providing further insight into the project and announcing major miles stones as they happen. Be sure to follow the Columbus Idea Foundry on Facebook and Compton Construction social media sites for the more construction updates.
Columbus Idea Foundry Demo Preview